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Audited Financial Statements are available here
Rule 17g-5 Information is available here for use by approved, nationally recognized statistical rating organizations. This is a password protected site; eligible organizations may contact to request a password.
AccessLex Institute dba Access Group and Access Group Education Lending ("Access Group"), from time to time, finances student loans through the issuance of asset-backed notes. Such asset-backed notes are limited obligations of Access Group, or special purpose subsidiaries, and are payable solely from the student loans and other assets pledged for their payment pursuant to the applicable agreements, and do not represent interests in or general obligations of Access Group, and are not guaranteed or insured by Access Group. The asset-backed notes, the terms and conditions of same, and the financial characteristics of the underlying assets are more fully described in applicable Offering Memoranda and related materials.
The Investor Information portion of Access Group's website provides certain financial reports, documents and other information, including Offering Materials relating to its, and/or its affiliates’, student loan asset-backed note issues. The information is provided for informational purposes only, as a service to investors in these notes. The availability of Offering Materials or any other information in this portion of the website is not to be construed as an offer to sell or the solicitation of an offer to buy securities. Except as specifically provided herein, Access Group has not undertaken to update any information contained in the financial reports or the Offering Memoranda, and the availability of such documents should not and may not be construed as a representation that the information in the documents remains correct after its date or that there have been no changes in the financial condition or other circumstances described in such documents.